Facebook Faced Data Breaches After Google

Consumers Are Ready To Redress! Google You Owe Us movement against tech giant Google started related to data breaches from 2011 to 2013 by Alvin

Data Breaches

Consumers Are Ready To Redress!

Google You Owe Us movement against tech giant Google started related to data breaches from 2011 to 2013 by Alvin Carpio and took specific actions for severe damages of consumers to be compensated by legal support. The Supreme Court is going to decide related to this issue which can lead to a few billion dollars of compensation for millions of people.

Is the “Facebook You Owe Us” campaign about data breaches?

Alvin Carpio, who had the wind at his back stated that they started a campaign to bring another mass action about the data breaches related to the Cambridge Analytica Scandal from 2013 to 2015 with the announcement dated 30th of October, 2020. Particularly, the accusation is that Facebook had allowed data to be collected, without consent or proper information of data subjects, violating the Data Protection Act 1998.

Notwithstanding, one million in the UK and eighty-seven million were affected and all personal data revealed as the reason for these data breaches accused transferred to Global Science Research Ltd. or Strategic Communication Laboratories Ltd. could be evaluated as substantial reasons that will increase the amount of compensation as the volume of the personal data breach increases.

£500,000 fine against Facebook by the Information Commissioner’s Office when compared to Facebook’s 2019 revenue of $70 billion and not one penny of the aforementioned fine paid to affected consumers; will inevitably cause a number of mass actions against corporations engaging personal data in the flow of their conduct of business.

As per the Turkish Data Protection Authority’s announcements of data breaches; local data controllers of Turkey also have to read these signs correctly; especially controllers that engage directly with consumers should know mass actions as a result of data breaches affecting tens of millions of user’s personal data as in Yemeksepeti incident is inevitable if not. This could cause severe damages besides penal fines from the Turkish Data Protection Authority.

As more individuals become aware that their data carries crucial importance, and are eager to hold corporations accountable when such personal data is misused; Microsoft has taken a precautious organizational step of keeping European’s personal data in Europe against mass actions and used it as a marketing strategy as part of their products serving in B2B model to both existing and potential clients with its announcement dated to 6th of May,.2021.

Source: https://www.dataguidance.com/news/uk-facebook-you-owe-us-files-claim-against-facebook

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