Pioneer Project in

“Privacy by Design”

Jurcom and Bilin Yazılım Joined forces to demonstrate a visionary GDPR compliance project.

Jurcom helped Bilin Yazılım, the leading software company in the Turkish IT industry, comply perfectly with GDPR's Privacy by Design (PbD) regulation.


Jurcom performed a detailed GAP analysis examining the lifecycle of Bilin's software within the scope of the Privacy By Design. Following the analysis, the neces- sary adaptation studies were identified and executed for the project.


Bilin Yazılım's meticulous approach and Jurcom's ex-tensive consultancy experience brought a pioneer compliance project alive.


“We reached compliance perfection with the unmatched global regulation expertise of Jurcom in this unique project.”
Dr. D. Zafer Inkaya, Chairman of the Board Bilin Yazılım

GDPR Consultancy

Srtategic Planning and Execution

Detailed GAP Analysis

A Pioneer Privacy by Design (PbD) Project in the Industry

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