Invisible Cookie Walls Must Be Completely Come Down!

Although the journey for Turkey is just beginning, cookies have become a very popular topic of discussion in Europe in recent years. Most organizations use cookies to effectively use their advertising and marketing activities and to retarget them, to gain wider audiences, and of course, basically to increase their income. However, this use requires intensive […]

GDPR Fine-About Failure To Conduct A DPIA For A Training App

DPIA for a training app

Datatilsynet fines Ålesund Municipality NOK 50,000 for failure to conduct a DPIA for schools’ training app. The Norwegian Data Protection Authority (‘Datatilsynet’) announced, on 24 March 2021, that it had fined Ålesund Municipality NOK 50,000 (approx. €5,000) for the use of a training app (Strava) that logs training and allows users to analyze and compare their data […]